WNU Wear: Scandi girls do shirting

Have you heard of the Scandi girl? No? (Seriously, no?) Well let us introduce you to her…
Do you remember when you used to look up to that older cousin who you only saw twice a year, and every family gathering they would turn up wearing something new and just look amazing in a way that made you immediately regret the clothes you spent hours that morning picking out. Pushing shame aside, you’d bounce up to them to ask where their outfit was from, to which they would coolly reply “oh I’ve had this for ages” before slipping away to hang out at the adult table?
Yeah – that’s how we feel about the Scandi girls.
They're inexplicably cool. You can’t not want to covet everything they wear, whether it be coats, dresses, shoes, glasses (and don’t get us started on their home wear, is it normal to have plate envy?!); the fact of the matter is, no one does it better than them and you won’t persuade us otherwise. 
This Copenhagen fashion week (yes Fashion Week is back!) the girls took on shirting and we are obsessed. See below our favourite looks from the streets and see how to dress like a Scandi girl.


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

We’ve fallen in love with the patchwork shirt (and if you have too you might want to stay tuned over the next couple of weeks…). It uses the classic shape of the shirt as a canvas and plays around with different patterns or colours, or even both, to create a shirt that just makes you want to have fun as soon as you wear it.


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

There's a reason people love a capsule wardrobe. As soon as you have a great shirt, perfect fitting jeans, a classic coat and a pair of shoes you want to pull on everyday, you are guaranteed to look good without even trying.
Cue envious glances from everyone wondering how you have managed to look so effortlessly cool… followed by a quick online shopping scroll to add blue jeans, a trench coat and white shirt to your basket with next day delivery...


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

Call me biased, but this is the best way to dress - always. By pairing your shirt with colours from the same family, you immediately create a chic look. It emulates the look of a suit or coord, whose connotations immediately elevate the look, but as they are not exact matches, it is easy to dress up or down depending on where you are wearing your tonal look.


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

Here at WNU, we tend to opt for more low key, classic styling. However, that's not to say our shirts can’t be dressed up or that we don’t dress them up. And if we are going to dress them up we obviously have to turn to our much cooler northern counterparts who Just. Nail it. Every. Time. The colour blocking is simple yet so effective with the classic shirt - it’s the staple to go with your statement.


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

*saves every single image in preparation to attempt recreating in the office next week*
All you need to achieve this elegant look is to remember it’s all about the clean, sharp lines, a monochrome colour palette and a cinched in waist.


From Left to Right: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

Remember how we said the Scandi girls were not dissimilar to our cooler older cousins? Yeah - these are the outfits we were talking about.

There are so many ways to make a shirt casual, wearing it loose and open, or contrasting a crisp collar with dad trainers, with loose trousers, cargo trousers, leather trousers, no trousers? Under tops, over tops, pretty much any way you want as long as the shirt features in one way or another. We refer to this particular pulling together of whatever you want to wear as buffet dressing, and boy don’t they do it well.


All images credited in links above, none are owned by WNU. Just here paying homage to some really cool girls in epic shirts.